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Prime Time Limo hourly taxi services allow Chicago people to hire a limousine for a certain amount of time for pickup and drop-off service.

Hourly taxi services in Chicago by Prime Time Limo Include:

Flexible Usage: You can hire a taxi for several hours which allows you the flexibility of moving from one point to another or going to different appointments.

Customized Itinerary: With our tailored itinerary hourly taxi services you can plan your travel as you wish, go where you want to go, and dwell as much time as you wish in a particular area.

Convenience: Booking hourly taxis is appropriate and convenient as it allows for meeting business appointments, going shopping, sightseeing, attending ceremonies, or other activities where our clients may not need to park their cars.

Professional Chauffeur: The taxi is driven by a professional and well-trained chauffeur, thereby making your ride safe, and comfortable besides driving through the traffic finding the best route is our responsibility.

Comfort: Our hourly transportation services come with comfortable sit and air conditioning so you can sit, relax, work, or even browse the internet on a taxi’s Wi-Fi.

Transparent Pricing: Till date, the common and standard approach of pricing for hourly taxi services includes the number of hours that were hired without any reference to the distance coverage. These three aspects provide customers with more clarity concerning their expenditures.

Door-to-Door Service: From picking you up to dropping at your desired place, we have got you covered with our hourly taxi services.

Optional Stops: It is possible to pick up or drop off friends or run occasional errands within the agreed time and the driver will wait for you to complete the tasks.

Peace of Mind: Passengers can use our hourly taxi services to travel across Chicago knowing well that there is transportation at their disposal for the specific number of hours needed without having to wait.

Prime Time LImo hourly taxi services target daily commuters, business people, teams and organizations, or anyone requiring efficient, comfortable, and flexible means of transport that is arranged depending on one’s favorite time of hiring.